Women's Institutes of England

The WI marquee is organised by the Heffle Group based in Old Heathfield.

This year, their theme was butterflies and to showcase the important part they play in the countryside. The WI invited visitors to colour in a butterfly and stick it to a huge collage.The WI stand was decorated with butterflies and literature to promote the local WI and the WI nationally. There was the usual well-loved tombola in action and other games including the popular Heffle or bust. 

Heffle WI also invited its members to participate in a competition before the Show to highlight a cause close to their hearts – breast cancer.  The winning entries were displayed in the form of bras!

If you have ever thought about joining this popular National Institution, find out more about the Heffle WI group - they would love to welcome you.

Interesting fact: All WI groups across the country have a name. Heffle (or Hefful) is the old name for Heathfield - a great name for the local group.


